One day my owner and I were walking down the street. We saw two beautiful matching dresses. They were blue with diamonds and matching heels. I had to get the outfit. So I did what any other person or dog would do. I whined and whined until I got what I wanted. Then we went home and I saw my best friend, Lilly. So of course, we started talking and playing. Then we walked back outside, and there was a bull dog named Drew. He was a bully. I ran in to tell my owner, Skylar. She was cleaning and cooking. I went to next door neighbors Zack and Bailey. I told them, but when I came back it was too late. My best friend Lilly was dead because Drew broke her ribs and bit her and there’s nothing I can do about it. Now my party has been ruined. Lilly’s funeral is today and I have to go to do my honors. Also I am wearing my best black dress. Right after the funeral Drew was at the front door. He tried to eat me, but I had the pound with me. Then he ran off and I never saw him again after that.