Author Archives: sbenson
Third Grade Reflections
One thing thing I learned in third grade was how to divide.
A thing I struggled with was to learn to multiply.
One thing suprised me was third grade is’nt that hard.
One thing that disapointed me was that I lost every game of tether ball.
The Water Fall
Bad Things Happen To Bullies
One day my owner and I were walking down the street. We saw two beautiful matching dresses. They were blue with diamonds and matching heels. I had to get the outfit. So I did what any other person or dog would do. I whined and whined until I got what I wanted. Then we went home and I saw my best friend, Lilly. So of course, we started talking and playing. Then we walked back outside, and there was a bull dog named Drew. He was a bully. I ran in to tell my owner, Skylar. She was cleaning and cooking. I went to next door neighbors Zack and Bailey. I told them, but when I came back it was too late. My best friend Lilly was dead because Drew broke her ribs and bit her and there’s nothing I can do about it. Now my party has been ruined. Lilly’s funeral is today and I have to go to do my honors. Also I am wearing my best black dress. Right after the funeral Drew was at the front door. He tried to eat me, but I had the pound with me. Then he ran off and I never saw him again after that.
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was an African American hero who really persevered to help slaves escape to freedom. To begin with Harriet Tubman never gave up on her dream of freedom. Also she kept going back to the south so she could save hundreds of people from slavery. Additionally she was kind enough to even save– the muskrat covered in brown fur from death. Then eventually Harriet was brave enough to lead the underground railroad saving hundreds of slaves by leading them to freedom.
2-D shapes
Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Book Review the Chihuahua is Non Fiction By Charlotte Wilox
Chihuahuas stand 6 to 9 inches and 5 to 23 centimeters tall. Most Chihuahuas weigh 2 to6 pounds or1 to 3 kilagrams. Also Chichuachuasare the worlds smalest dogs in the world. They came from Mexico that explains why they are spanish. And are very playful dogs that love it when you rub their tummy. these dogs are called the toy breeds. They also have a hole in there head but don’t be scared your dog is ok. This is a good dog for you this book is great for third graders beacause it informs you about Chihauhauas.
You Can Be Like Martin
You can be kind. Yes you can.
You can want things to be fair. Yes you can.
You can fight for peace. Yes you can.
You can be a peaceful child or a peaceful man.
You can be a speaker. Speak on when you’re a man.
You can be like Martin yes you can.
You can pray in your own way.
Pray more when you’re a man.
You can be like Martin. Yes you can.
You can be kind and loving.
Grow to be a loving man.
Getting Chloe
One day I went to the doctor’s office. He said to get a chihuahua because I have athsma. Next he said that they were selling them at Brookshire’s so we went to Brookshire’s and we saw them. I got up closer and I saw five different puppies and one mom. I looked and found a little white one with brown ears and blue eyes so I said, “This is the one for me.” I grabbed her and they gave me her birth certificate. Then we went home. I waited until my sister got home and I came up with a name off of my favorite movie , ”Beverly Hills Chihuahua”. My sister helped me spell it. Then my mom got a big box and put a towel and blanket in it. Next she put Chole in the box and Chloe went to sleep. Chloe made me feel happy inside.
The Reading Test
My teacher passed out the test .
And I decided to do my best.
The school bell rang.
I was right beside it when it went bang!
Later I hopped on the bus and it was loud.
I wanted to tell my mom about the test because she’d be proud.
When I arrived home I dialed my dad, I knew he’d be glad.